On Thursday morning, October 4th, members of the Business Owners Success Series (BOSS) of the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce convened for a behind-the-scenes look at the soon-to-open 3500 seat Ralston Arena. Following a brief meeting and update in the hockey practice rink (with ice underneath protective cover panels), BOSS members toured the facility. Presenters included Chamber President and CEO David G. Brown as well as representatives from the arena staff and General Contractor Boyd Jones Construction. Midwest Sound & Lighting handled sound reinforcement at the morning’s BOSS event, using a single pair of the small but robust QSC K-12 powered loudspeakers and an Allen & Heath ZED14 analog mixer.

The first event scheduled is October 19th with a concert by country entertainer Rodney Atkins. Midwest Sound & Lighting congratulates all participants in the conception, construction and operation of The Ralston Arena.