On Friday, June 20th, the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce held its wildly popular “Business on the Green” golf tourney at beautiful Tiburon Golf Club. Blessed with perfect weather, the day got off to a great start with the 7am flight.

The mood was fun and festive as the carts headed out onto the course. As usual, Tiburon Golf Club was a picture-perfect setting and the Chamber staff (with cameo appearance by the retired-but-legendary Larry Gomez) had the event running ever so smoothly.

Around noon, with lunch and flight 2 underway, there were nothing but smiles to be seen in every direction. Midwest Sound & Lighting, the sound and music sponsor of “Business on the Green” for many years, used Community R.5 all-weather loudspeakers, an Allen & Heath ZED mixer and Shure wireless microphones to provide crystal-clear, feedback-free sound for the event.

Congratulations to the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce and Tiburon Golf Club for another great day of “Business on the Green”!


Business on the Green 2014



Business on the Green 2014